⚠️ This is in beta for PoE2.
Please be aware that there may be bugs or issues.
You can download Exiled Exchange 2 here. Any other mirrors are not known to the developer, downloading from them may be unsafe.
Download linkAutomatic updatesStartup time
Windows 10+ (installer)Fast
Windows 10+ (portable)Slower
Linux (AppImage)n/a
macOS (dmg)n/a

Latest version is 0.1.3

*The app is unsigned, which means you'll have to bypass security warnings on Windows to open it.


  • PoE display mode
    • ✔ Windowed Fullscreen, Windowed
    • ❌ Fullscreen
  • PoE language
    • ✔ English
    • ❌ Russian, Portuguese, Thai, French, German, Spanish, Korean

No Administrator rights required, but
If you run PoE client as Admin, OS security boundaries take effect. In order for Exiled Exchange 2 to have access to the PoE window, it must be started with Administrator rights.

Not compatible with "GeForce Now" or any other cloud gaming service that do not forward clipboard data.